About Me
Hi! I'm Mitch Wagner. I'm an American computer scientist with interests all across the discipline. Broadly speaking, and in no particular order, these include:
- free, open-source software, and the open web;
- distributed and decentralized computing
- digital privacy and security;
- algorithms and programming language theory;
- personal knowledge bases and the management thereof;
- immutability, reproducibility and correctness;
- user-programmable applications and interfaces;
- and emulators and fantasy consoles.
I like my code small, simple, beautiful, and free.
Email: mitch.wagner.public@pm.me
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About This Website
0x6D77 is a static website developed using weblorg. The source is available at https://git.sr.ht/~mitchwagner/website under the GPLv3. The background image, as far as I can attribute it, was created by Reddit user LennSan, and was sourced from this thread; I modified it slightly, removing the sun present in the original work.